Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Just get me my pjs and a pillow. . .

Remember when you were in Algebra in High School and you sat there trying hard as can be to stay awake. But the boredom seemed to just grab your eyelids and pull them down, so there was a tremendous physical effort just to stay awake? And so you sat there in that constant state like an awake dream, just wishing the bell would ring so you could leave and go to something that was a little more stimulating?

Imagine doing that for four hours. Now welcome to my day.

Just now I'm getting a short break from this new account training we have at work. And I swear I have never had to put up so much of a fight just to stay conscious. Now, some of it may not be the teacher's fault. After all, my sleep was brought on by NyQuil last night and you all know how the day after that feels. Plus I'm probably crashing from the huge coffee I had this morning. But still. . . I was fine on the phones this morning. Now I feel like a freakin' zombie!! Brains!! Brains!!

So, when I get out of here at four, I'll be happy. Then I can head by the apartment, grab a quick dinner, head to my parents' to print out our group's homework assignment, and then head to class by six. Busy busy busy. . . but I'll still take it over this training class.

My cold's a bit better today. No headache. No chest congestion. Just an irritating stuffy nose. But that's it.

Getting through Wednesday is always a chore, though. You know that once you're over that day the week is half over. Two more days and you're arriving at the weekend. Gosh. . . hurry up four o' clock!!! AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!

So the rest of the week looks good. Tomorrow night I'm not having guys' night with Brandon. . . Diana stole him back! (Just kidding, Di!) Instead, I'm going to the movies with my sister to see Shrek 2 which I'm really looking forward to. Any excuse for Eddie Murphy antics in my book is a good thing. Friday night Erin and I are just staying in and watching DVDs and getting a $5 pizza from Little Caesars. Saturday is the road rally. So, big fun coming up. If I don't slip into a coma here in training!

Well, time to go! I'll write more tonight maybe. Maybe not. We'll see. Depends if I like you or not :)


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