Sunday, May 16, 2004

I'm still alive!!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written. . . my apologies for those of you who keep up. As you'll see, things have been pretty hectic and busy lately, but this week looks like my schedule will get back to normal, so hopefully I can get back on track with my writing.

Work has been pretty busy with the new billing system. I've been working shifts with half hour lunches, which is why I haven't been able to do many lunch hour ramblings lately. Work itself has been busy, but in a good way. I've actually been able to relax and have some fun there lately.

Last week was just a busy busy week. Monday night after work I had to go to the car dealership to see about getting a new car. After a nerve-rattling credit check and about four hours at the dealership, I finally traded in my Neon and bought a 2001 Red Saturn SC1. It's a nice little car, runs good, and is very good on the gas mileage, which is important with all the driving I do. Then I went to Erin's house for Bible Study and to show it off. . .

Tuesday after work I went with Erin and her family to go see The Lion King play at Masonic Temple. That was quite an experience. The amount of work in the puppets, dancing, acting, and singing was just incredible. Even if you've seen the movie, I highly recommend it. It adds a lot of depth and emotion to one of the best films Disney has ever done. . .

Wednesday was school. Nothing big there.

Thursday night was a big catch-up night. Had to do my laundry, go grocery shopping, etc. Then I went to Erin's to watch the Frasier finale and ER's season finale. I had never been the most consistent Frasier watcher, although I always thought it was one of the sharper, funnier comedies out. The finale was about as good as they can get. They didn't cut out the laughs, it was just the right way to finish it. It was good. ER was kinda a letdown.

Friday night was Ryan's reception for all the friends who couldn't make it to Florida for the wedding. It was so much fun :) A lot of dancing (I actually got out on the floor twice--once with my sister for the wedding party dance and the other with Erin), visiting with old friends, and just hanging out.

Saturday I spent most the day cleaning the apartment, and I have to say it looks pretty darn good. Then Erin and I went to see Troy, which was a pretty good movie. No Gladiator or Braveheart,but entertaining nonetheless. A few groaners of scenes, and I thought they overkilled Achilles' need to be remembered for eternity, but still it was good. . .

Today was church and then dinner with my family. Now I'm getting ready to head back to my parents' to watch the 24 episode I missed Tuesday and then hitting the movies again with erin to see Super Size Me. Should be good. I'll write more later (I promise!)



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