Saturday, May 01, 2004

A celebration of mediocrity. . .

Kind of a blase Saturday here. The weather has gotten cool and rainy after some weather that had been sunny and warm. I'm also tired and on sinus meds (again), so it's just kind of a crappy weekend day here. Lazy and boring.

Last night was fun. Took Erin out for her birthday. We went to a restaurant called East Side Mario's out in Livonia with some of her friends. I knew Alice, I met her friends Miriam and Natee who had just adopted a baby a few months ago, and Erin's receptionist Lena went too. It was a lot of fun and nice to meet some of her friends after I've had her around mine a lot. Then afterward, me and Erin went to Starbucks for a couple hours, which was very nice as well.

This morning we got up early and went to Oakland Mall to see William Hung in concert, which is how I came to the subject header for today. There were tons of screaming teenagers there all excited to see someone who would normally get booed out of a karaoke party. He only did about three songs.

The funny thing is, I'm sure that he knows how bad he sounds. But you can't deny how much he loves getting on stage (or the attention.) You can't really laugh at him when he's up there, because he's enjoying himself so thoroughly. Of course, we're the ones who've shelled out money for his cd and waited for hours at the mall to see him, so I guess the one who's to be laughed at is the crowd, right?

Bought the first season of Chappelle's show today. Funny stuff. Incrediblely offensive, of course, and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone not ready for that. But it's funny. And his take on race is so true and sad and funny at the same time. His sketch as the Blind Black White Supremecist is both unsettling and hilarious. Not near as gut-busting as season two, but still funny nonetheless.

So I've been putting off homework all day. I'll probably get to it tonight after I get in. It's law and it's dreadfully boring homework. But it shouldn't take too long.

Tonight I think Brandon and I are heading out to Memphis Smoke in Royal Oak for dinner and a good guys' night. We don't get many of those anymore, so it should be fun. Tomorrow's church, and I think I'm just going to take it easy tomorrow afternoon and evening. I've been running myself ragged and just need a day to rest after church is done.

Well, it's about time for me to get to other stuff, so I'll write later.


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