Sunday, May 16, 2004

Would you like fries with that?

Just got in from seeing the new movie Super Size Me at the Main Art Theatre in Royal Oak. What an incredible documentary!

For those of you who don't know the story behind it, there's this documentarian who decided he would eat nothing but McDonald's food for 3 meals a day for 30 days and he would document the changes to his body. His physicians were shocked that he gained over 20 pounds, his cholestrol went from very healthy to risky levels and his liver was seeing the same damage as an alcohol binge (he doesn't drink or smoke, either.) This is the movie that (unofficially) made McDonald's stop doing Supersize Meals and start offering healthy Active Meals.

Really, coming from Detroit (which is now the #1 fattest city in the nation) this was an eye-opener. You see the damage fast food does to you. How our whole nation is obsessed with eating fast and cheap. How obesity is on the way to becoming the #1 preventable killer in the United States. How school lunches have almost 1200 calories in them. Wow, it was shocking.

It makes you think about your own eating habits. I eat out fast food at least 2 or 3 times a week. Taco Bell gets a huge portion of my paycheck. I have a gym membership but I don't go nearly as much as I should. It makes you really feel guilty and want to change. I would compare it to Bowling for Columbine because it is funny and the filmmaker plays a huge part in it. But it's without Michael Moore's irritating political rants. Highly recommend it!!

Well, that movie had me feeling like I need to exercise more, so I'm going on a late-night walk. Write more later!



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