Saturday, April 10, 2004

What was Saturday like?

So today is that day between Good Friday and Easter. That day between the horrible moment when the crucified Christ and when he triumphantly rose again. I've often wondered what that Saturday was like. I have to imagine it was dark and depressing. The followers of Christ had to wonder if their meaning for life was over. How would it feel to think everything you had given up your old life for was gone for good? I have to imagine it as being one of the saddest, darkest days in history. But thankfully, Sunday was just a day away!!

So we had our first service in the new building last night. I think it's going to take some getting used to, being in a sanctuary so big. But it's really nice. I can't wait until Easter tomorrow!! My favorite holiday!!

One week from today my little brother will be getting married. That's kind of weird, I guess. But for him, that's the path he's got. He wanted to get married young and I think it's going to be good for him. For me, I've been enjoying single life. Not that I'm a wild-and-crazy guy going after the chicks, but I've enjoyed the time to really get to know who I am and what I'm looking for. Sure, it's probably time to start looking at marriage down the road, but right now I'm content where I am. And I like the fact that I've learned that I don't need someone for my happiness. Too many co-dependent people out there.

Well, this is going to be my last entry until probably April 19 or 20. Tomorrow after church I'm heading to Florida for the week for Ryan's wedding!! A nice week on the sandy beaches, relaxing with a good book, a good friend, and good family. I can't wait!! It's going to be so realaxing!!

I will write all about it when I get back! For now, enjoy your Easter! Remember why we celebrate!
