Three weeks of this and still going strong!!
Well, somewhat of a lazy day today, but it's my fault. I started a new schedule of coming in to work at 7:30 today but my alarm didn't wake me up until 7:15. Knowing that I would get written up for going in so late, I did the only thing I could do and took an e-pass, which lets me have a vacation day off so it doesn't count against my attendance at all (although it did use a vacation day I didn't want to!!) I felt a bit guilty for it, but that's why we have them.
So, it wasn't a bad day though. In fact, it's been rather productive thus far. I got a lot of important e-mails sent out this morning to school and job searches. I had a nice lunch with Erin at Buffalo Wild Wings. Hit the Bible Bookstore and got two cds that I hadn't heard in awhile for only seven bucks a piece!! And then I went to Target and stocked up on some important things for my trip. Plus I had a very nice time of devotion today where I really got a lot of things straight with God that have needed to be done for awhile. After I post this entry, I think I'll probably hit the gym and then see where tonight takes me.
The weather is beautiful, if a bit cool, today. It's sunny and cloudless and just a wonderful day to look at and even drive in. My thoughts, obviously, are elsewhere though, because I'll be on the road to Florida in one short week!
It's definitely a week to get some spring fever, despite the cold weather. Baseball starts up this week. Hockey playoffs start Wednesday. I'm not a huge sports fan, but those two things are nice harbingers of springtime. Easter is Sunday, the amusement parks start doing weekends on Friday, and the sun is out until 8:30 in the evening!! It's really a great time.
And it's probably my favorite time of the year, because it's such a great time of expectation. I can't wait to sit out in the sun, take long walks, just swim and relax. In a few months I'll be able to strap myself into a roller coaster and scream my guts out. Summer is on the way. Long nights are coming soon. I'll be able to open the sunroof and tear down the road with the stereo blasting and the wind whipping through my (short) hair.
And that, today, fills me with joy. Hope brings joy. Winter is a time when the weather gets me down. . . I would go as far as to say I probably have some seasonal depression. But when it warms up and the sun comes out, then man, I'm happy. I can take relaxing walks on my lunch hour. I can leave work happy knowing there are a few hours of sunlight left in the day. I can smile and relax and even now be optimistic because good things are on the way.
And that's how I need to look at life. See, life on Earth is tough. And it's hard. Work is tough. Balancing budgets is hard. Sometimes getting out of bed is a challenge. But Heaven waits for me. And while I'm waiting in expectation for that, I can still look forward to the blessings God gives me every day. Breath in my lungs. Sight for my eyes. Friends for my heart. Provision for each day.
And really, when you think about that, how can you not be filled with joy? :)
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