Monday, March 29, 2004

Moooonnnnnndaaaaaaayyyyyyy. . . .

Not really an eventful Monday here. Work was just standard. I went to the gym. Washed my bedsheets. That was really about it. You know you've had a pretty boring day when the highlight of your day is washing the things you sleep in, I guess. Now I'm just sitting here at Deebe's, enjoying a chai and contributing to my ever growing blog, which is now one week old. I think this thing has turned into the written equivalent of the foil ball, where you keep adding and adding and soon it is totally out of your control!!

Today was just one of those days, though, where you end up kind of depressed and blase about things. The rain came down pretty steadily. There was nothing to look forward to at the end of the day. I drove in the gray and rain past factories, car repair shops, and the rest of the ugly facade of Warren, looking for any sign of life.

Diana had texted that she had a bad day at work. Brandon came home and he had had a bad day too. I had a fine day, but was just wondering what the whole point to everything really was. I mean, waking up at 6:30 to get sworn at and frustrated five daays a week just to pay off bills that keep coming back. Isn't there something a little bit better to live for as a Christian? Did God just take the day off and let us all run around in discontent?

Then I was told to look outside, to the west. The skies had begun to clear and a rainbow had formed. And this wasn't one of those weak, you gotta squint to see it rainbows. It was the full shebang. From one end of the sky to another. Just standing there, majestic and beautiful. And I smiled because God hadn't taken a day off. Once again, he proved that He's involved. Romans 8:28 was welling in my heart. . . all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to Christ Jesus. Even in the bad times, God was standing nearby.

How does God work through our troubles? What does he give us? Maybe for Diana and Brandon, it was having someone to talk to to vent their frustrations or just say they were praying. For me, it was just knowing that I had friends who were. . . well, there. That not everyone I talked to had an agenda or plan against me. That I have people who I can just talk to and laugh with. And the rainbow was a sign that even when I can't see it, there is still beauty in the world. God is still on the throne. Even when it looks out of my hands, it's totally in His plan.

It sounds so cliche, doesn't it? To talk about a rough day and the beauty of God's creation? It is cliche, I'll admit. But you know what? I'm glad it's so cliche. Because it means God is faithful, just as He said He is. And it means that when life gets rough and stressful and I have those gray days, He'll still be there, waiting to surprise me with His beauty and joy!!

Well, that's it for now! Talk to you all later


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