Thursday, March 25, 2004

More rambling from the lunch hour trenches. . .

So far, a beautiful spring day today. Balmy and 58 and the sun has been out most the day! Rain is on the way. But you know what April (or March) showers bring. . . worms.

I'm thinking more and more about this idea of becoming a teacher. Erin thinks it's a good idea, too, as long as I don't revert to my "painfully shy" self. College would be ideal. . . maybe a journalism professor, or a creative writing teacher. Or FILM!! The would be good. I just want a job where I make a difference. . .

After a three month beginning of the year drought where the only big movie of note was The Passion of the Christ, I'm suddenly overwhelmed by the number of great movies coming out. I still have to see Eternal Sunshine. I'm seeing Jersey Girl with Erin and Diana tomorrow night (I will so be the mac daddy with two girls there, lol!) But I still need to see The Ladykillers, and then next week is Hellboy, and then April 16, Kill Bill !! And that's all before the summer season!!

I'm taking another half-vacation day tomorrow at noon. Part of me thinks that's too many too soon, but honestly I still have 10 vacation days and 7 personal left. And I'll probably do some shuffling around. Plus, would YOU pass up the opportunity to start the weekend early??

Tonight going to see Dawn of the Dead again with B-Wood. Can't wait to see it a second time. Scary as all get out!!

I haven't had any soda products since Sunday. Almost a week without pop!! I'm sure my body's thanking me!!

My professor talked to me after class last night and told me I'd have no problems as I pursued my Master's because I have it on the ball! He's also going to write recommendations for me with some GM contract workers!!

Okay, I'd better go. It's about time for my afternoon chai!! Write more tonight!!