Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I really don't like my 8-5 shift. I kind of call it my traffic shift. I hit rush hour on the way to work, and I'm stuck in it on the way home. Can't wait until April, when it looks like I'll be back on my 7:30-4:30 shift. Anyway, not much happened today. Just another day of surviving at Verizon Wireless. The callers weren't bad, just kind of annoying, and I was very happy to get home.

Spent a lot of time thinking about Romans 8:28, "And we know thaat all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." I think if this was a verse that we, as followers of Christ, truly focused on, each day could be easier to get through and we'd experience much more joy here on Earth.

I guess it's easy to focus on this verse when things are going great. And even when life is tough, you can use this verse to make sense of your crises. But what about days that are just ordinary? Days when the little things just peck at you and erode your patience and threaten to drive you out of your mind? Can I really look at inconveniences like traffic and angry customers and focus on them the same way. . . that these things, which I would think seem so insignificant to God, are actually in some way working for my good?

I think the reason I have trouble remembering that is because I often forget what "good" is. Ultimately, good isn't about ending the day happy and relaxed, or getting through a week without any major conflicts. It's not about getting to work on time, or having enough money to catch that movie I really want to see. Romans 8 goes on to talk about the fact that because we were called, we were justified. And God is going to see that justification through to it's logical end, which is glorification. The ultimate goal of our lives is to glorify God. And he's given us the promise that in Heaven we will be Glorified.

So is it possible that I can focus on these things and see that even the little, annoying nits of life are working toward my good? Yes! If I keep in mind that Good means glorifying God. These tests of my patience are helping me to grow. They may not be days I look back on and remember vividly. In fact, I'll probably forget most of today's incidents by the time I fall asleep. But these little tests are helping me be molded into God's image. And that, I feel, is a very good thing!!

By the way, if anyone reads this and wishes to comment on it, feel free to drop me an e-mail at cdubbs727@msn.com.

Well, that's it for right now. I have to grab a shower and then I'm going to head out for the night.



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