Sunday, April 04, 2004

The pain!! The pain!!

Well, bad movie night really backfired tonight. One movie we watched was Left Behind 2, which I won't bash on too much. Not a great--or even good--movie by any standards, but I'll award it points for earnesty. The gospel message was very well portrayed and so I don't really want to bash a movie that was trying to do some good.

But now we come to Gigli. See, the whole purpose of renting a bad movie is to hope you'll get one that is so bad that it's fun to watch. And that was what I was hoping was the case with this movie. But no such luck. What I ended up watching was the most pointless, boring, offensive, embarassing piece of trash that has ever crossed my eyes. This, my friends, was the worst movie I have ever seen! It was literally painful to watch. . . the boredom was immense. Getting through it was an endurance test.

How bad was it? Well, the language made it rated R so that it was only to be seen by adults. But most of the "humor" comes at the expense of a mentally impaired young man--which is truly juvenile humor. There's no consistent tone--it wants to be a comedy, a love story, a thriller. . . but in reality it's just a very pointless, very bad film.

And yet, there was probably a glimmer of promise in it. After all, the cast was pretty talented. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have both made good films (the fact that Ben Affleck has a writing Oscar and still liked this script baffles me). And then there were minor parts for Christopher Walken and Al Pacino. .. both are very well-respected actors with Oscars!! And yet, this was just awful. Awful awful awful. Words cannot express how much I hated this film.

Sigh. Do yourself a favor. Rent Pulp Fiction to see how to do a gangster comedy. Rent Good Will Hunting and Out of Sight to remind yourself that Lopez and Affleck actually do have talent. Rent Rain Man to learn how a movie can seriously deal with mental impairment. Heck, rent Glitter just to be remotely entertained at how bad a movie can be and still be watchable. But if you rent Gigli. . . I forbid you to read this blog any longer!!

Now I must head to bed where I will no doubt have nightmares of this atrocity over and over.



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