Friday, April 02, 2004

The Friday Five!

Okay, the website I got these from was a little out of date so these will be from a few weeks ago until the site updates and gives out new ones. But since I haven't had it that long, I guess that will work!!

What was...

1. ...your first grade teacher's name? Mrs. Vaught. . . I remember she was supposed to be the meanest teacher in school, but I didn't mind her much. Although I thought it was fun to say her name so it sounded like "Mrs. Butt" Immature kid stuff :)

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? I used to love the Smurfs!! Smurfette was my first crush. . . when I got a little older, it was The Real Ghostbusters (favorite show, not my crush)

3. ...the name of your very first best friend? Mark Kellems. . . we were best friends from like age 1 all the way to 12 or 13. We'd write these novels called "The Talon Kids" where us and our friends would have to fight ninjas. I saw him a few times around campus in college, but haven't really talked to him in ages.

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal? Cap'n Crunch. . . because it hardly got soggy. I was also partial (and still am) to Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school? Come home and watch cartoons! Thundercats was the best!! I would also, on nice days, play with the neighbor kids or ride bikes.

Wow, that brought back some memories! I'll write more later!


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