Sunday, May 23, 2004

Goodbye weekend. . . hello Monday. . .

I love Sundays.

My favorite day of the week used to be Saturday. And granted, there is immense joy to be found in sleeping in after a long week, spending the day lounging around watching TV, sleeping, exercising or hanging out with friends. Saturday's are truly days to be cherished.

But Sundays have become my favorite.

It's easy to get lost during the week. We start off heading down what we think is the right path on Monday morning. We have the best intentions to stick it out at work and honor God. We're going to press on and really have a good attitude. We're going to be an effective witness. We're going diet right, spend money wisely, and treat our friends and family with the respect they deserve. We're going to live life for God and no one is going to bring us down. So we head off into the forest with confidence, sure that we know The Way.

By Tuesday, things are already getting confusing. We step off the path a bit to take a shortcut at work. We give into a certain sin and get more tangled in the brush. By Wednesday we know we're off the path, but we're certain we know where to get back on if we can only head in the right direction. Thursday we're wondering if that's the same rock or sin that we've passed by repeatedly. By Friday we're ready to give up as the trees and danger crowd in and we feel hopelessly depressed and scared. Can you blame us for just laying down and giving up on Saturday?

But I love Sunday. Because on Sunday we remember what matters. No matter how tough my week has been, I can guarantee you that I've forgotten those problems when the first hymn is being sung. When I'm pointed back to the cross and I remember that although I've gotten off the path I've had someone directing my steps anyway. And when I go home and reflect on my day it's like God's reached through the woods I've been lost in, grabbed my hands, and lead me back to the right road.

Sundays are a gift. It's when you learn that the petty problems don't matter. It's when you gain focus on the true goals of life. It's when you remember that this life is not yours at all, but a gift of grace from God. So even though Monday starts tomorrow and I don't know what this week holds, I can be confident that Sunday is only seven short, sweet days away :) :)



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