Friday, April 23, 2004


Starting my ramblings early today, I guess as make-up because I didn't write yesterday. Just a busy day and I didn't get a chance. Had my interview in the morning, work got busy in the afternoon. After work I was so worn out I took a long nap and then had to hit the grocery store and then got a haircut. By then it was time for my Must See TV. So for those of you (if you're out there) who wait on pins and needles to read this. . . sorry. But believe me, there are more interesting ways to occupy your time than by following my boring little life :)

So the interview went well yesterday, I think. I will find out if I get another interview by the end of next week, probably. The position would be a supervisory position and I would be the liasion between our supervisors and the insurance company, dealing with FMLA claims, short-term disability claims, and attendance guidelines. And I'd have four people working under me. So, we'll see what happens. It would be a challenging position, which would be really nice. . .

Going through the book "The Purpose Driven Life" right now, because I'm going to start going to a Monday night Bible Study at Erin's based on it. I was a bit skeptical at first, because any book this popular (61 weeks on the Best Seller lists so far) is usually watered down, feel-good spirituality. But I've been very pleasantly surprised. It's a simple enough book that someone new to Christianity would be able to follow it and slowly get their feet wet. But, it's also the things I need to be reminded of day in and day out. I highly recommend the book. . .

So the weekend is here. Tonight I will--FINALLY--be seeing Kill Bill, Volume 2. I honestly can't remember when I have so looked forward to a movie. . . probably Return of the King. Volume 1 is just a great great great movie and I've heard nothing but raves for the follow-up. Can't wait to see The Bride finally get her vengeance. Tomorrow is a major catch-up day for me. Not making any plans. Just spending the day cleaning my room, closet, bathroom, doing laundry. And then I'll hopefully have some alone time tomorrow night just to chill out with some DVDs. I've been running pretty helter skelter since I got back from Florida, so some alone time would be nice. Plus I should fit some homework in there too. Sunday is church and dinner with my Sunday School class and that night I'm hanging out with Erin. . .

Next week is week one of a two-week training at work for the new billing system we're getting. Which means a week off the phones!!

Law class is actually quite interesting. The teacher really likes to teach (unlike others I've had) and knows his stuff. Should be a fascinating six weeks. Oh yeah, AND for the first time in my life I have a 4.0 GPA!!

If you're looking for some new CDs, here's a list of some recommendations I've been listening to lately. Caedmon's Call's "Chronicles" is a greatest hits/live album that is probably the best way to get to know what I consider to be the best band in Christian music. Lyrically, they are just incredible. Casting Crowns' self-titled is a good CD, especially "Who Am I?" and "American Dream." Jeremy Camp's "Carried Me-The Worship Project" is one of the better worship CDs I've heard because it doesn't just recycle old songs, but comes from his heart. And finally, William Hung's "Inspiration" is guaranteed to make you laugh long and hard as he butchers some of our classic songs.

Well, that's it for now!
