'Tis Tuesday
This is probably posting on Wednesday morning, since it's after midnight. But tonight I had a cup of coffee with Erin around 9:30, so I'm not exactly ready for bed just yet. Plus, I'm waiting for the fine folks at MSN to let me into my e-mail, which is crawling super-slow right now so I can make a few arrangements for school.
Nothing big to report today. Worked an eleven hour shift, all in all, picking up some more overtime. Went back to the apartment and luounged around for awhile, watching TV. Got coffee with Erin, and then lounged around on the internet for a bit, taking care of odds and ends and chatting with someone I hadn't spoken with in awhile :)
So, I'm supposed to go back to school tomorrow night, but I'm trying to make a few changes. I'd like to start going on Tuesdays or Thursdays so that I can go to church on Wednesday nights. I'd also like to go out to the Troy campus, because I don't feel like I'm in the best learning environment out at Southfield. I don't know if I can say this without coming off as prideful, but the crowd in my classes aren't exactly business-savvy professional types. I think I'd be a better fit in the Troy campus. Plus, it would give me a few weeks to really work on overtime and not have work as a distraction to homework. Maybe start back in August or September and just really pour my heart into it so I'm not being mediocre.
Then again, I could just be being lazy :)
So, tomorrow's Wenesday. If I end up going to Southfield campus, it will be a long day. If not, maybe I'll have a short, easy one for once this week. Thursday and Friday I'm doing some more OT, so it would be nice to catch a much-needed break!
Alright, that's 'bout it for tonight, kids! Brush your teeth, play nice with others, and share your toys! (I don't know where that came from!)
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