Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Last post before vacation. . .

Well, today shaped up to be quite the day. I actually got a lot done around the apartment. Got all my laundry done, cleaned my bedroom and bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and living room, vacuumed, dusted, bought some things for the trip and packed.

The good times continued by me contacted my credit card company, where I had had debt since my first year of college. It was now at $2803 for this card, and was the only piece of debt I couldn't have cleared up by the end of the year. But they made arrangements to forgive $1900 of the debt and have me pay $840 in six-month installments to have it paid off, interest free, by the end of the year. There is no reason on earth they should have forgiven that debt, so that was truly the work of God helping me out.

Tonight Erin and I went and saw The Notebook. Here is my guilty confession: I'm a sucker for love stories. Not chick flicks, mind you. But love stories. Say Anything, Titanic, Moulin Rouge, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation. . . those films are counted among the greats in my book. I like the idea of love transcending economic and social barriers, lasting until our dying breaths, and being prized above money, jobs, or even safety. Maybe I'm a romantic at heart, maybe I just want to be that guy who pursues the girl at all costs, or maybe I'm just a sap. Whatever it is, I like love stories. . . as long as their not superficial and trite. This movie was not the greatest love story ever. . . heck, it's not even the greatest teenage love story ever (Say Anything) or the greatest old-age love story ever (Something's Gotta Give). It was sappy, cliche, and totally unironic. But still, I enjoyed it. I like that filmmakers can still believe in love without cynicism. I like the idea that people can still believe in a love that lasts all their life. And even though I'm a guy, there's nothing wrong with believing that can happen to me. (By the way girls, here's a guy ADMITTING he likes these movies. . . AND I'M SINGLE!! WHY ARE YOU NOT BITING?? LOL).

So, that was that.

Tonight I received some news that made me hurt for an old friend. It seems a friend of mine, who had been a youth pastor at my old church, was asked to give his resignation on Friday. So now this guy, who just got married, is without a job and insurance.

Some people may say that he had it coming. There were some controversial things that he did that even I didn't always approve of. But his decisions were always made by consulting with his boss, the pastor. The same pastor who told him to pursue the girl who he had once been the youth pastor over. The same pastor who had backed out of supporting the wedding after so many years of being the only support. The same pastor who told my mom before, when she asked him to get involved in the life of a hurting couple in his congregation, "I have 400 members at this church. You can't expect me to get involved in the life of every one."

I hurt for my friend. I imagine he has to feel betrayed, deserted, and abandoned. I want to talk to him, let him know that I haven't been the friend I need to be but that I will be there to offer my prayers and supports to him. This was a friend instrumental in making me get serious with my walk with God. When I was at a low point of cyncism and a high point of unbelief, he challenged me and pointed me in the right direction.

It also makes me angry at this church I used to attend. A church full of pride, stupidity, and lies. How can this kind of organization call itself a "church" when it's very practices go against the God they serve?? I'll have to write more about i when I get a clear head, but for now I'm just angry.

Well, that's it for now. I'm off to bed. We're leaving early in the morning, so I won't get to write until Sunday, when we return. Have a great week everyone! Keep those comments coming!



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