Egads, how pathetic am I today??
So my day hasn't gotten that productive. I HAVE sent out some resumes and done some job searching. And I washed my towels. And bought salad dressing. But other than that, the whole day has been spent on the computer...most of it doing job searches, but the rest of it just goofing off. I tried to go to the pool to relax and get some exercise, but there were kids there. Nothing against the tykes, but I just can't relax when the rugrats are running, screaming, splashing, and jumping. Sigh. At least I'll have Spiderman tonight. And I guess anything I don't get done today I can save until Monday and Tuesday, when I'm on my legitimate vacation.
So the two comments I had on hear from last night were both relating to my writing about Farenheit 9/11. It seems that's what's on everybody's minds nowadays: Michael Moore, George W. Bush, and politics. I don't write much about politics on this site. One reason is simply that I'm not a very political person. Yes, I vote, and I feel that it's very important to practice that right to do so. But I'm not a very issue-oriented person. I don't debate politics. I skip over the polls in the newspaper. And other than the major issues, I couldn't know much less about the difference between Republican and Democrat. However, I know that right now politics is in everybody's faces, so I guess it's time to take the time and write out some of my views.
First, off, The President. I personally have nothing against George W. Bush. I voted for him in the last election. I will most likely vote for him in nOVEMBER. I admire his faith, even if I do question his motives. There is a part of me that feels that he may play up his faith because he knows that Christian support is a big part of the Republican party. But that's not my place to question his heart. While he's not the best speaker in the world, I do admire his confidence and tendency to stick to his guns. He is our president, God placed him in that position, so right now I have to stand behind him and support him. As I wrote before, I don't approve of the war in Iraq. I don't know how much of it was Bush deliberately misleading the people as it was faulty information. Even so, though, I would think our Commander In Chief should have enough sense to pick the right people around him, and I don't think he's done that. Still, he did a good job handling 9/11. The economy is slowly getting better. Morally, I think he's okay. And I like him better than John Kerry, who always seems to me like a sleazy lawyer type. Okay, now onto the issues that I do have a stance on.
Gun Control. I hate guns. Guns are made for one reason: to kill. I know that the saying is that "guns don't kill people; people kill people." But I don't think that's all true. Guns DON'T just kill people...people WITH GUNS kill people. Now am I for getting rid of all guns? No! We have a right to have them. However, I do think that there needs to be stricter measures in place as to who is allowed to have a firearm. Too many kids are shot nowadays to justify having one. And I hate it when people try to tell me they have a biblical right to blow away any intruder who enterst their home. Show me that verse! People can and should have a gun if it makes them feel safe. However, we need to screen very carefully. More background checks. More locks. More restrictions. Isn't it worth a few kids' lives?
Abortion. I'm against it. I feel most cases of abortion are used so that people can avoid dealing with their mistakes. Want to know the way to avoid teenage pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy?? Don't have sex!!! I hate the idea that we could make it legal to just avoid the consequences of our own mistakes and go on with our plans. As for cases of sickness or rape...yes, that's sad, and it was tough for awhile. But I believe in the sovereignty of God. I believe that even in those cases where a child was conceived out of horrible circumstances or has a risk in being born, that God has a purpose in life for that child and His Will trumps our rights. Who knows what that child could grow to be? Who knows what God has in store? That said, that belief also influences my stance on...
The Death Penalty. Unlike many Christians, I'm against it. And my reason is much the same as it is for abortion. Yes, crimes like murder and rape are heinous and evil. And there have been times I've wanted to see ultimate justice carried out. However, I believe God can forgive and change anyone, even people who we would consider as scum of the Earth. And what an influence that person could have on prisoners who have also lost all hope. Again, God's Sovereignty is the trump card here.
Gay Marriage. I'm against it. If, as a Christian, I believe homosexuality to be a sin, why would I support this? However, it goes deeper to that, because of the sanctity of marriage. I believe that God created marriage, husband and wife, to be a picture of the church. Therefore, I'm against anything that would be a perversion of that. And this fits in there. I know that some people would balk and say I don't have the authority to want to take someone's rights away. But that's why we have elections, people. I'll vote what I believe. If my side is in the minority, I won't change my stance, but I will respect the law.
There are other issues I could touch. Prayer in Public Schools. (It should NOT be mandatory!) God in the Pledge of Allegiance (keep it in, but I'd really like to see our nation actually act out that allegiance!) Freedom of Speech (we have the freedom to say WHATEVER we want, although some people (Michael moore) need to use tact.) But right now, I'm gonna get going. Hope I didn't start a fire here!
Amen, amen, and amen! I agree with all of it. you are soooo right. See, I picked a good site here, to read, I mean. Although, I am into politics a bit, but not quite as heavily as some; I do tend to keep up, though. Good read Chris.
I see you went to one of my favorite reads, Messy Christian from Malaysia. She is great. There are many more in the Blogdom of God alliance, but sadly, the site is down currently. I will let you know when it comes back into working order. Blog on!
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