Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The things I do for money. . .

Okay, the reason that I didn't write yesterday is because they took away our internet access at work, which means I couldn't write on my lunch hour. But also, when the maintenance guys came to "fix" our air conditioner they also unplugged our internet. So now I'm at Deebes after a long day typing it out here. If my writing becomes sporadic over the next few days, that's because there's no improvement. Sigh.

So today was a long day. I NEED money, so I've been trying to do as much overtime as my poor body will allow. So yesterday I did the standard two hours after work. Today, I decided to kick it up a notch. I worked from 7:30-4:30 and then from 5-9, which was a truly bad decision. But I'm still alert enough to get my trusty laptop ready for this blog entry.

It's been a rough week, and it's only Tuesday night. Yesterday I had to face some big debt that I had owed. It was my fault really. I had just been focused on other things and forgot about this. And I had to have a family member bail me out. I felt really so poor and needy.

What is it about ourselves that we have such a hard time admitting our need? For me, it wasn't so much the fact that I didn't want to accept money. It was that I wanted to prove I could cover the debt on my own, even though it was impossible. But I wanted to hang onto my selfish pride and put out the impression that I could handle the situation. That it wasn't over my head.


And when that debt was offered to be helped with, I have to admit that I cried tears of gratitude and made a vow that it will be paid back in full in a short amount of time.

Maybe that's why so many people don't follow Christ. They're too proud to admit their need. They want to think they have it together, they can do it on their own, that their effort is going to get them somewhere. They don't like to hear that Jesus paid it ALL. . . which means our contribution was nil.

So, like I said, nothing's working at home. The maintenance man said he fixed the a/c, but it's still hotter than blazes in there. The internet is not working. Sigh. It's frustrating. And our lease is up July 31 and while I was content to stay where we were at, I'm thinking this is tipping the scale in another direction. They gotta do some major making up here.

Things look to get better as the week goes on. No more 13 1/2 hour shifts for me. I get off at four tomorrow and four-thirty Thursday. I'll probably do two hours of overtime on Friday and maybe four on Saturday. Still will give me a more than decent check on July 15 and shouldn't be too taxing.

Tomorrow night Erin and I are going to the Detroit Fireworks. Should be a lot of fun, although I do dread being out until 2 in the morning and then crawling out of bed at six thirty the next day. But that's why that I'm not doing overtime on Thursday. If need be, I'll catch a long nap after work.

Weekend isn't too bad looking. I'd like to see The Terminal, so maybe that will work out. Saturday, Erin and I are going to her friend Miriam's house. Sunday is church.

Two weeks from tomorrow I get a vacation!! The Spirit Song tickets arrived in the mail yesterday, the campsite has been reserved, and my dad's given me the instructions on how to air out the tent. Kings Island is only two weeks away!!

And with that, I'm going to bid you all adeiu. Time for devotions, maybe a quick walk (or not, I'm pretty tired) and then bed. I'll write as soon as I can next get to a working computer.



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