Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Guess I'm just doing this for closure. . .

So, this is it. The end of the day. Nothing really to write. Just wanted to get whatever was in my system out. Had a good night tonight. Erin and I went to White Castle and then to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," which I adored even more the second time. Brilliant movie. Emotional and intelligent. Really the only movie to deal not just with love, but heartache and the consequences of falling in love. Is it worth it even if it hurts us? What if we knew the risks in advance? Brilliant movie. Did I say that already?

So, tomorrow's my day off. Ryan (my brother) and Scott (my cousin) invited me to the parade tomorrow, but I'm not going to go. Waking up at 7:30 and being on the streets of Detroit until 2 just doesn't seem like the way I need to spend my free day. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it would be a blast. But I look at the other obligations I have--laundry, job search--and I know my time would be best spent getting that all done, especially since I'll be gone the next two nights doing things and then out of town Saturday. So, I'll grab a big cup of coffee and watch it on tv.

Well, that's 'bout it. Nothing reaally more to write. Time to go watch some TV or do some reading. Have a great one!



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