The God of Hollywood's own image. . .
So, tonight Erin and I went to see Saved. I knew it was going to be an irreverent movie, but I was hoping that while it skewered fundamentalism and legalism, it would also come around to an ending that realized our need for grace and dependance on God, not self.
But when a movie makes you long for the theological doctrine of Dogma, you've got a problem.
There were good points in the movie. How our self-righteousness is a result of our pride and self-centerdness. How we're all screwed up sinners trying to figure this whole thing called life out.
But the whole point of the movie overall was one that greatly offended and angered me. It was a movie that said it's okay to divorce your wife because you haven't seen her much, that it's okay to have a child out of wedlock, that homosexuality is okay.
I'll admit that you could handle this in a positive light, to show us as sinners struggling to come closer to God. To show that it's not in what we do, but in whom we trust. Instead, this movie preached tolerance and acceptance, not of the sinners, but of the sin!!
It's the god that our world wants. A god who preaches love and acceptance, but just laughs off our sin like "boys will be boys." But that's not our God. Yes, Jesus loves us unconditionally and promises forgiveness. And yes, all of us are in the same boat, dealing with the same condition, and there's only one source we can look to for help.
But Christ does not laugh off sin. As Max Lucado said, God accepts you just as you are, but refuses to leave you that way. Once we come to Christ, we are supposed to depend on Him to change us in His image.
And while I do think Christians need to be more welcoming and encouraging to the lost, there does come a point when we have to admit that while sinners are welcome (we'd have an empty church without them), sin is not welcome or tolerated. We're pressing on for something better.
And yes, I recognize sin does exist. That's why we have grace. But that shouldn't make us complacent or tolerant of sin. Instead, it should reveal our constant need and realize that there's only One who we can depend on to make things right.
This song, "Nothin'" by Chris Rice has been in my head and stereo all night. The lyrics are simple, but so profound.
Nothin' can wash away my sin
Nothin' can wash away my sin
Nothin' can wash away my sin
Nothin' Nothin'
Nothin' but the blood of Jesus
Nothin' can make the devil run
Nothin' can make the devil run
Nothin' can make the devil run
Nothin' Nothin'
Nothin' but the blood of Jesus
Nothin' can bring me peace with God
Nothin' can bring me peace with God
Nothin' can bring me peace with God
Nothin' Nothin'
Nothin' but the blood of Jesus
Nothin' can lead me to your throne
Nothin' can lead me to your throne
Nothin' can lead me to your throne
Nothin' Nothin'
Nothin' but the blood of Jesus
Nothin' can make your people one
Nothin' can make your people one
Nothin' can make your people one
Nothin' Nothin'
Nothin' but the blood of Jesus
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