Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Tired. . . fingers barely hitting keys . . .

Good night tonight. Day shaped up rather nice. Good developments. Too tired to write about it. Spent much of the evening catching up on tasks around the apartment but also dialoguing with Erin on issues of disagreement between our two denominations.

I think the biggest problem with The Church today is its filled with people who think God owes us answers to all our questions. We're simply not content to realize some issues will always have tension, some things will simply not be understood, and some disagreements will always occur. This refusal to surrender to our own inability to totally understand causes us to nitpick and fight instead of focusing on the only thing that matters: the grace of God and our desire to glorify Him and tell others of that grace.

The more you learn about God, the more mysterious he becomes. Rich Mullins once said "Maybe God gave us all the Scriptures to show us that He's right and we're just guessing." I wouldn't say guessing is the right word; but he's got a point. Why should we finite sinners think we can totally comprehend God? The closer we get to Him, the larger and more mysterious and complex he becomes.

I'm going back to the well with another Caedmon's Call song that has been going through my head all night.

Beautiful Mystery
I tried to know
Every mystery
Soon realized, no
It was too much for me

'Cause most things true
Are simple and complex
So it is with You
What else should I expect

You suffer the seeker
In You they abide

You are to me
A beautiful mystery
You are to me
A Servant and a King
You're a beautiful mystery

You're like the water
I can feel but not grasp
Still You say all I've gotta do
Is seek and knock and ask

You are to the river
What hems it in and sets it free

The truth is a river
Where the strong can swim down deep
The weak and the broken
Can walk across so easily


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God may not give us the answers to things right away because he knows we will never be satisfied... Because we will never understand the full extent that is him and his plan for our lives.

June 10, 2004 at 12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha forgot to put on the last one that it was mine!

June 10, 2004 at 12:24 PM  

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