Nightime nuggets. . .
I have the Pistons game on in the background, so I'm just taking this time to absent-mindedly fill my blog. It's been a long day and I'm pretty beat, so I'm going to try and make it short. . .
Did I do any better loving people today? Well, tolerating them. So I guess that's progress. Seriously, it's hard to love my customers, especially when you see their worst side and when they tell you "go to hell." Sigh. But, I was calm. I kept my tone consistent. So we'll see what happens tomorrow. . .
Think I'm taking a short leave from school just for this class. My schedule is taking me out of town next weekend and I'm going to miss the last class because of my Kings Island trip. So I think I'm going to pass off on this and then just pick things up with the next class and make up my econ stuff later down the road. I have a friend who works at Phoenix who's going to help me out . . .
Tonight after work I went to Erin's house for a bit for dinner with her and her friend, Miriam and Miriam's daugher, Zellie. It was fun. I went home around 8:30 to do my homework, but that's when I took a gander at my schedule and realized I may have to make some changes. . .
Been thinking about what Hannah commented on my last post. (Read it if you haven't.) I suppose I've always known that one of God's reasons for having me at Verizon has been to mold me into the person I'm supposed to be. Growing's tough and I don't alays like where I am. But I'm where God wants me to be. Thanks again, Hannah. . .
Payday is in a week. It will be nice to have money again. . . .
Rest of the week is pretty relaxing. As long as I get everything straight with school tomorrow and dropping the class, I'll have tomorrow night free to do some job searching and freelance probing. Thursday night I'm getting coffee with Erin's friend, Christina, since she lives nearby. Friday night I'll probably stay in and watch a movie or read. Saturday, Erin and I are supposed to do something, but I'm not sure what.
That's 'bout it right now. Score is 68-63 right now, Lakers in the lead. I've never been a huge sports fan, but basketball can be pretty exciting on a close game like this. Talk to ya'll later.
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