Two hours until the weekend. . .
Fridays always seem to move way too slow for me here. I swear my clock (all three I have to look at here) is broken and it must really be past four o' clock and I'm just sitting here collecting overtime. Isn't it time to go yet?
So, things are going well. I'm sending in my resume to Marx Layne, the company I interned with in college. It's a PR firm that really liked, so we'll see what happens. . .
Work's been fine. Nothing too bad, nothing too good. Just standard work stuff. . .
Last night was fun. Went and got coffee with Christina and then me, her, and Erin went back to my place to watch the MTV Movie Awards. Glad that Kill Bill was so highly recognized. What other awards show can put Adam Sandler, Jack Sparrow,and Jesus Christ in the same acting category and give the award to the pirate? It's always fun stuff.
Stayed up late watching the Pistons trounce the Lakers. Man, what a fun game to watch. It would be great to make it to the Palace for a game. . . if it goes back to L.A. I will definitely be at Palace-vision one night!!
So, the weekend is here. Tonight I'm going to bum around the apartment with some DVDs. Erin may come over and watch them with me. I really have an urge to watch Finding Nemo again; that movie makes me laugh so hard. Tomorrow my plans include sleeping in, doing some grocery shopping, maybe cleaning up the apartment and then I think Erin and I are hitting the movies. Don't know what we'll see. I wouldn't mind Chronicles of Riddick, Harry Potter, or even seeing Kill Bill again. But I think we're going to see Saved, which I'm intrigued by. Anything but Garfield. Or The Notebook :)
I need to get back to the gym. I get on these kicks where I'll go for a few times a week and then I get lazy again. This weekend has a lot more open time, though, than the last few have offered. So we'll see. . .
In a month I'll be on vacation again, to Kings Island for the Spirit Song festival! I can't wait. I love going there, hearing the bands, and riding the rides. I have a roller coaster fix that needs satisfying as well :) Bring on The Beast!!
And, lest this whole column be completely shallow, let me close with a writing that I read last night by Brennan Manning that really made me feel good. He was writing about how we say we know all about God. What can God's response be?
God answers, "That's what you don't know. You don't know how much I love you. The moment you think you understand is the moment you do not understand. I am God, not man. You tell others about Me--that I am a loving God. Your words are glib. My words are written in the blood of my only Son. The next time you preach about My love with such obnoxious familiarity, I may come and blow your whole prayer meeting apart. When you come at Me with studied professionalism, I will expose you as a rank amateur. When you try to convince others that you understand what you are talking about, I will tell you to shut up and fall flat on your face. You claim you know I love you:
"Did youknow that every time you tell Me you love Me, I say thank you?
When you son comes to you asking, "Do you like Susan more 'cause she skates better and she's a girl?' are you grived and saddened over your child's lack of trust? Do you know that you do the same thing to Me?
Do you claim to know what we shared when Jesus withdrew to a deserted place or spent the night on a hillside alone wit Me? Do you know from where the inspiration to wash the feet of the twelve came? Do you understand that, motivated by love alone, your God became your slave in the Upper Room?
Were you grieved by the divine command to Abraham that he slay his only begotten Isaac on Mount Moriah? Were you relieved when the angel intervened, Abraham's hand was stayed, and the sacrifice was not carried out? Have you forgotten that on Good Friday no angel intervened? That sacrifice was carried out and it was my heart that was broken.
Are you aware that I HAD to raise Jesus from the dead on Easter morning because My love is everlasting? Are you serenely confident that I will raise you, too, My adopted child?
Faith means you want God and want to want nothing else.
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