Thursday, June 03, 2004

A Thursday without "Must See TV" is like. . . Wednesday

Do you realize how many free hours there are in night once the television season is over? I'm finding hours that I didn't even know existed! Seriously, I get off work in just about an hour. Then I can go home, maybe get a quick nap, hit the gym. . . and I still have a few free hours.

Not that those hours will be totally free by any means. I should probably do some laundry tonight, maybe take a glance at my homework, and finish my lesson for Sunday School. But then again, maybe I'll just do something else entirely. Without "Friends" and "ER" to keep me busy, there are all sorts of wonderful opportunities! And it's a nice day . . . shame on me if I don't get outside to enjoy it!

God's funny sense of humor showed up last night. There are two things that I'm terrible at (more than that, but for the sake of this argument we're going to focus on just two.) To save my life I cannot handle money and I cannot do algebra. So, of course, the class I started last night was Economics, which combines them both :( Just looking at the first week's assignment was giving me a headache. It's gonna be a loooonnnnnnngggggg six weeks. . .

Pistons are in the finals. I can start to get excited. I'm the worst type of fair-weather fan there is. I care when we're in the running. But it is pretty cool. Last time we were there, I was still in elementary school. Only 11 years old! It's been a long time comin. . .

I wish there was more to write today, mainly because I'm trying to kill time. But, alas, it's a rather boring day. Nothing of earth shattering importance. And my mind is so numbed by the dumb questions have come up with today that I couldn't even handle the depths of analyzing an episode of Teletubbies.

Oh well. There's always tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm posting anonymously so I don't have to get a Blog account,but this is your best freind. Yaaayyyy, she's on!! I liked the ending comment on Wednesdays entry, and congrats on being recognized at work! Now will you QUIT NAGGING ME to read your blog???!!!! (Kind of, sort of, sort of not kidding!!)

June 3, 2004 at 7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm posting anonymously so I don't have to get a Blog account,but this is your best freind. Yaaayyyy, she's on!! I liked the ending comment on Wednesdays entry, and congrats on being recognized at work! Now will you QUIT NAGGING ME to read your blog???!!!! (Kind of, sort of, sort of not kidding!!)

June 3, 2004 at 7:34 PM  
Blogger CDubbs said...

Wow, a post so nice you had to put it twice?? Thanks for reading, Erin :) I'll get off your case . . . for now!

June 3, 2004 at 7:48 PM  

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