Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I may not be Jack Bauer, but I can still have a long day. . .

The end of the day is here. Thank you, Jesus! Another long, hard, tiring day is at a close and I can soon crawl under my covers and sleep the sleep of the just. . . at least until 6:15, when the whole vicious cycle starts over again.

So, I think it's time to start getting my resume together. I can't do this customer care gig any longer, I'm afraid. It's too draining. I don't want to go to work and come home in a rotten mood, angry and bitter. I don't want to dread going to work. I understand that very few people particularly love working. . . I'm not looking for that. But when it actually saps all life out of my system, it's time to go. When I actually have to choke back my disgust at helping a customer, it's time to start looking.

My problem is that it's been four years since I've ever really seriously looked for a job. Probably longer, because I wasn't looking for Verizon. Just sort of heard about it through my uncle. I was actually quite content over at Sam's Club for quite awhile during my college years. So it's actually been since 1997 since I've been very proactive. Sure, there was a short stint right out of college in 2001 when I half-heartedly pursued journalism. But I think I was too scared to leave the security of my current company to start looking.

I don't know where to start. Journalism isn't an option any longer because it's been three years since I've written anything substantial. My portfolio is dated and shows the immaturity of a college student. Anything too business like seems out of my league, although that may just be my fears talking. The truth is, Verizon has been good. It's just time to move on. I truly feel God is telling me that. He's shown me that I'm probably not going to be moving up in the company. And I think things that have happened lately, and my attitude's rapid spiral are just proof positive that it's time to get out.

And that's where faith is going to come in. I'm not going to quit my job and just go looking; I'm smart enough to know you don't leave until you have your other option lined up. But if I truly believe that God is calling my elsewhere (and I do) then he will guide me and show me where I'm supposed to go. I just have to trust Him and be responsible to take a leap when He asks me to.

Luckily, I have a half day tomorrow and Friday. I had originally planned to take this whole weekend and Brandon and I were going to head to Chicago. But those plans fell through. So I cancelled the whole days off, but decided to do some half days just so I'd have some time to catch my breath. And then the three day weekend starts. Tomorrow's plans are nice and easy. I'm going out to Novi to meet Erin for lunch after work. Then I'm going home, doing some laundry and putting my resume together and spending some time on doing a job search. Then tomorrow night--hopefully after a trip to the gym--I'm going to Royal Oak to hang out with Brandon and Tim for a guys' night. That should be fun. We don't get to do that anymore since those two are in relationships and not all too available much longer.

As for the weekend. . . should be fun. Wedding Saturday afternoon. Couple movies I want to see. Memorial Day's always good. So, good times are hopefully right around the corner.

Until then,


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