Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Lunch hour nuggets . . .

Actually have a day where I have a one-hour lunch instead of the half-hour I had been getting. Sadly, it means I don't get out until 4:30. But on the plus side it means I can dish out the little kernels of thought that my neurologist failed to detect bumping around up here. . .

So I got an e-mail from Diana telling me it's not vain to write as much as I want and that some people like to hear it! So, vanity be darned, I'm gonna write as much as I want (even though I do realize Erin didn't mean it in a mean, rude way.) Di, I always knew I liked ya! You're winning points from your boyfriend's roommate, so when the time comes that I have to give B-Wood away, lol, you may get my blessing yet :) :)

Had my doctor's appointment today. I lost a pound, so thank God for small blessings. . . I'm still officially under two bills, so I'm happy :) Had to get the requisite blood tests and lipid tests done. Realized that I'm getting old, what with the aches in my arms from moving Christina yesterday and the fact that I'm probably the only 24 year old who's getting checkups from having a stroke two years ago. Ah well. . . not too old, I guess. When I start getting too excited over bowel movements, I'll start worrying :)

So I'm starting an experiment this week. I've realized that I'm very tired lately. But I've also realized the days I've had the most energy are days when I've only had six hours of sleep the night before. So this week begins The Great Sleep Experiment where I'll go to bed at like midnight or 12:30 and see if it really is too much sleep that is actually my problem. . .

I'm teaching Sunday School this week for our 20's class and I think I'm going to teach on anxiety and worry, because this is such an issue at our age. And I was reading that there are actually scientific issues where fish have been dying because of all the Prozac and Paxil and stuff going from the sewers into the water system. Which makes me wonder: does this start a vicious cycle? Do we take the drugs, get rid of them in our waste, give them to the fish, who eat them and die, which in turn makes us depressed about the fish that are dying, so we take more medication and kill more fish? For anyone offended by that thought, realize that I am one of Paxil's happy users :)

Like I said earlier, tonight is my first free Tuesday night since November. 24 won't be back until January, which means I have no clue what normal people do on tuesday nights (I assume it's the same thing they do every other night.) So tonight after work I think I'm going to head home, eat a quick dinner, hit the gym (I'm very proud that I've gotten into a 3-4 day a week habit), and then hit Deebe's to do my lesson, catch up on e-mails, search out some freelance gigs, and then do my homework. Maybe even fit another update in here!

Okay, now I DO run the risk of being vain! So I'm going to go and write something of more substance a bit later tonight. See you on the flip side dudemeisters!

Quote for the day:What is mankind? To truly find the answer to this question, we have to break up the words and examine them. Mankind is made up of two words: mank and ind. What do these words mean? It's a mystery, that's why so is mankind. --Jack Handey



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin didn't say you were vein because you were writing so much.. She said it was because of the title of your site "Chrisicisms". But I don't think it's vein I think it's clever! Thanks for the comment on my site by the way. Have fun with your tuesday night whatever it is you decide to do.
p.s. I don't think you have to worry until you don't realize it when you are even having the bowel movements.

June 1, 2004 at 4:46 PM  

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