In lieu of a nap...
I'm actually going to the movies with Erin and some friends in about an hour, so I figured that I'd skip the traditional Sunday nap today, although it breaks my heart to do so. We're going to see Napolean Dynamite, which I have to confess I'm not too thrilled about. But Erin really liked it and is paying my way, so I guess it's all good. I just figured I'd spend some time before that catching up with my blog. Don't worry; unlike yesterday, this will be short.
So yesterday ended up being an alright day. I spent most of the afternoon just lounging around the apartment, doing laundry, taking a nap, and watching TV. At night I went to a service at Erin's church that was pretty good. It's nice to be able to go to some of those small, informal worship services. Sometimes I get more out of those than a Sunday at church, simply because you're given more of a chance to open up in a more intimate setting. Afterward, Erin and Christina and I went to Bennigan's for dinner, which was nice because Bennigan's is becoming an endangered species around here. The two that were close to me have closed down awhile back.
After that, it was still pretty early for a Saturday, so I went back to my apartment and watched When Harry Met Sally. . . Although I'm a 25 year old guy, I have to admit that the right love story can really affect me, and this is one of the classics. The story is so close to where I've been so many times in life, that it pulls all the right strings when I watch it. I identify so much with Billy Crystal's character, who views dating relationships as a way simply to fill the lonely void in his life without truly opening up and afraid to confess to his one true love. A great, funny, moving film.
Today was church. Pastor Bob talked about the different aspects our church has and it really got me thinking about how I can use my gifts more in the church. I'm starting to pray about that and hoping I will get more involved. This Wednesday night I start taking a Bible Doctrines course that I'm looking forward to. Should be interesting.
After church I grabbed some Taco Bell and took it back to my apartment. Did my devotions and then read some more of Desiring God, by John Piper. I read the book about a year ago and was so encouraged by it that I've made a commitment to myself to read it at least once a year. This time I'm moving very slow through it. I read some more of his views on Worship, and the idea of worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. It's so amazing to realize that that is exactly what God has called us to in life. Worship is what we are supposed to be doing with our lives. It's our response to the greatness of God! How amazing to be called to a life of that!
Well, I gotta grab a shower and clean out my car before I leave. Write later!
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