Saturday, August 07, 2004

Spidey can't lego!!!

Well, Saturday is drawing to a close. Nice, fun Saturday today. Got myself a haircut, cleaned the apartment and then went to a road rally that was extremely fun. :) Then, I came home and did my devos and now I'm just catching up here. Actually, I want to start writing a short story I have in mind. But, I just wanted to post something here.

You all have heard me rave on here about Spiderman 2. Probably the best superhero film ever, best movie of the summer, and one of the best films of the year. If you haven't seen it yet, get to a theatre as soon as possible and see it. It's fun, exhilirating, emotional, and probably the best pure popcorn movie in ages. But everyone knows that anything worth doing can be done so much better with legos, right? Ask any five year old kid :) So, some genius decided to make their own Spiderman movie with legos! This thing is a hoot and a half and actually someone had to be very skilled to do this. So, I'm putting the link in.

Check it out. Have a laugh. Have some fun with it! Let me know what you think!

Alright, I'm outta here.

Your friendly neighborhood C-Dubbs


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