Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Blah, blah, blah, blah. . .

Tuesday is over. Another day bites the dust. Not a bad day, again. Work was actually fine today. Actually, now that I've really been putting my trust in God for some patience there, it's really easy to have a good day. And since I know I'm going to be there at least until February (so I can collect my big bonus), it's easier to really keep sane. It's easy when you work for a good company. I may not always love (or like) my job, but I have to admit Verizon is an incredible company to work for. . .

When did bankers stop working bankers' hours? I rushed all the way from Southfield to Warren after work to get to the bank and cash a check I had gotten for my birthday. I got to the bank at 4:30 and they were closed! Does this make any sense? The normal work person doesn't get off work until 5 and not all of us can make it on our lunch hour (I, for instance, only get a half hour lunch.) Sigh. . .

Went to the driving range with Tim and Brandon tonight. I think that's humorous because I really despise the game of golf. And I'm horrible at hitting golf balls. Mine just kind of bounce or roll. But it was fun. I wish I could do it better because I think going to the driving range would be a nice stress reliever for me. I guess I have to practice. . .

Gotta work a long shift tomorrow. My regular 7:30-4 and then they needed someone to do some OT from 5:30-8:30. So, it's a long day and it means my night is pretty well shot, but you can't complain about the money. Although, I will miss "Amish in the City."

Went grocery shopping after work today. That was my big task I got done. I went to Trader Joe's, which I absolutely love going to. I spent a bit more than I had wanted, but the nice thing about that was that shopping there was actually only half my budget! Plus, because I pick up such a vast variety of foods there, it actually saves me some money because I don't get bored and run out for fast food. Believe me, soup or sandwiches every night gets you yearning for Taco Bell really fast. . .

I need to buy a hamper. It's really pathetic. Every week I make an effort to clean up my bedroom and within three days it's a mess again. Most of that is from just throwing my clothes on the floor, hence the need to buy a hamper. Although, I should probably make my bed at least twice a week. I've always felt making the bed was self-defeating, though. After all, no one is going in my room. I'm just getting up from it to climb back in later that night. Is there really a point? But I just get stressed out for some reason when my room is dirty. . .

So tonight in my devotions I read about when Christ was 12 and was in the temple. Can you imagine that thought? It's kind of hard to conceive. . . Christ in the temple. God being taught about His works. Part of me would expect Him to be correcting the rabbis and doing the teaching. But no. The Bible says He was sitting and listening respectfully and giving answers that amazed them! What humility He offered. I often get irritated at work when a customer thinks they know my job better than me. But if God could choose to humble himself and submit to authority, then I should be able to as well. But can you imagine the discussions that Jesus had with the authorities? Can you imagine the joy in his heart as these rabbis searched the scripture and worshipped God. . . unaware He was sitting with them? Such a small passage--it only takes up like eight verses in Luke 2--but really beautiful when you think about it.

Well, that's it for now. Gotta jet. Gotta get to bed.



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