Thursday, August 05, 2004

Another shallow entry. . . sigh. . . I'm losing my depth. . .

No one comments on these blog entries. Where's the love? Who's reading this? Of course, if all my posts keep being like the ones from the previous nights, I think I mights start reading blogs elsewhere. I try and use this forum for some of my deeper thoughts and reflections, but, alas, the last few days have not afforded me much of a chance to just stop and think. But still, I feel compelled to write in here each day, if only because I know that it helps me to keep my writing up to par. . .

So, work was. . . eh. They catered us a nice lunch today and I didn't have to work overtime. That's about as good as it got. I still got frustrated. Still got prideful. Still left stressed. But it's my fault. I had had so many good days, that I began to think I could run on my own steam and do it all myself. I stopped praying before going into work and wasn't depending on God to work patience in me. I tried to handle things my own way, not His. And we know how that ends up. Why can we be so quick to put our faith in God in the big things in life, like health issues, family problems, and eternal destiny, and yet we are so slow to realize our utter dependence on Him in the little things? It frustrates me, but I'm only frustrated at myself, I guess.

After work I went to my brother's and helped him move some furniture to his new apartment. Then I met Erin for coffee. We had a nice, long talk where we just kind of covered every topic we usually talk about. I especially like it when we get to talk about spiritual things. Probably the best compliment I can give about her is the fact that she's not afraid to challenge me or call me when I'm wrong, which means we can actually have intelligent discussion instead of being quick to avoid conflict. It also means that I get to see new perspectives on issues I may not have thought too much about. So, it was a good night.

Tomorrow is finally Friday which means when my alarm drags me out of bed at 6:25 that I'll be able to rest in the assurance that it's the last day for two days that I'll have to do so. After work I think I'm going to head to the Star Southfield with my last gift certificate and catch an afternoon showing of Collateral. I'll probably spend the rest of the evening doing laundry, reading, and watching some DVDs back at the apartment.

Rest of the weekend should be fun. Saturday night is a road rally. Sunday after church, Erin and I are going with Hannah to Wayne State to show her around and then to the DIA. I don't get out there as much as I'd like, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Okay, I told you that it would be a shallow entry. There's stuff going on in my brain, I promise. It's just that I'm very tired. I'll write more this weekend!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay I can't wait till SUnday. Thanks for coming Chris!!

August 7, 2004 at 2:32 AM  

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