Greetings from the other side of the monitor. . .
Well, it's the end of my two days off. Back to work tomorrow. But I'm relaxed and ready. I feel energetic and ready to get back to work after two days of relaxing. So, it will be nice. I had a nice evening tonight. Talked on the phone with Erin for a bit, the first time since she returned from camp. Went out for coffee with Christina tonight, which was nice. We had a nice long chat about our faith and beliefs and the frustrations of life. Drank some coffee, took a walk. It was nice.
I love it when conversations can turn to God. That's why I am so thankful for the Christian friends God has given me. I can chat about movies, Simpsons, or complain about work just like anyone else. But what really lights a fuse in me, what really makes me excited to talk about, is the joy of God. Knowing Him, asking the deep questions, pursuing Him in the company of others. That's the special moment when friendship takes a deeper turn and becomes fellowship, I think. We talk a lot about fellowship, but I don't think fellowship is necessarily just sitting with church friends over a potluck and talking about the weather. Fellowship is when we come together as believers and our minds are attuned to God and we are exploring His mysteries. Those are the moments that I live for :)
I once had a friend, a Christian friend, who complained that I talked about God too much. Perhaps some of you who read this blog feel the same way. Shut up and talk about movies, you say. Or maybe you just want me to shut up. My friend's point was, "you don't have to talk about God all the time." And I thought about that.
Of course, it's not necessary that I talk about God all the time. And if you read this blog, you'll find that my entries aren't always of the spiritual variety. But how do I agree with her comment and reconcile it with 1 Corinthians 10:31, which commands, "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." ?
Of course, as a human living after the Fall, not everything I do glorifies God. My thoughts, actions, and words don't always bring glory to my Creator. But does that make it right? As I pursue God more and more, I'm realizing it doesn't. In fact, the more I pursue Him, the more tired I get with talking about movies and tv shows (although a well-placed Simpsons or meet the parents quote still makes me laugh.) Maybe I'm learning that there are things that are fleeting and will end and will ultimately stop satisfying me. And maybe I'm learning that the only thing that is going to be of any eternal satisfaction is to keep my thoughts and words focused on God.
Yesterday, my pastor was talking about immediate issues and ultimate issues. And I focus A LOT on immediate issues. I worry about paying my bills, finding a wife, getting through my job with my sanity in tact, and about where my next meal will come from. And while God is concerned about those things, and is so faithful at providing for them, He's most concerned with the Ultimate issue, which is that He is glorified. And that's where my thoughts, actions, and words should be focused on. No, not everything I do is focused on glorifying God. But that doesn't make it right. I need to look at those areas that don't glorify God and see if there's some amputation that needs to take place.
And I guess that's why I write in this blog. It started as a way for me to keep writing, to vent issues that would drive me nuts if they stayed locked up inside me. But now I write because God is so involved in my life that to keep it in would be insane. I hope these words are of service to you and of encouragement or help. But most importantly, I hope the words I write glorify God.
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