The Journey of a week. . .
A week ago, I wrote about my quarter-life crisis. Today, I feel excited and hopeful about the week ahead. Last week I was poor, lonely, and tired. Today I feel the exhiliration of starting over with money, the comfort of many friends, and an energy to attack life. A week ago I was hiding from God, maybe even resenting Him a bit. This morning started out with songs of praise.
And such is life, right?
I could just read things that my joy today is relegated to a sort-of solution to my problems. I was able to get some money to clear out my debt. I've spent the week with good friends and my best friend is returning home tonight. I feel energy because the work week is over and I have a chance to relax. Maybe even my joy in God is due to some spiritual high attached to the Sunday morning service.
But I hope that's not it.
See, I think one of my worst habits is to trust my emotions. When things go rough, it's usually time for me to slip into depression and dispair instead of hitching up my pants and charging ahead at my problems head-on. I choose to ignore the issues looming over my head instead of attacking them and taking responsibility. When things are good, I tend to get overzealous and get myself into trouble.
But today doesn't feel like that. If anything, today just feels. . . clear.
When I can step back from my emotions and look at the situation, I realize that things aren't as bad as they could be. I'm not destitute and living on the streets. I don't have a lack of friends. I have a God who loves me and cares for me and provides for me. I'm young, the best experiences in life are still awaiting me and I have about 50 years (hopefully) of experiences to live through. Life is, in fact, good. And when I look at life objectively like that, that fills me with hope and joy. It fills me with peace and fills me with a sense of confidence, because I've seen how faithful God has been in the past. One of God's great attributes is his unchanging nature. . . when He's been so faithful all my life, it's wonderful to know that He's going to continue to be.
Today was a good day, even though I slept through Sunday School and had to make a mad dash to get to church on time. The sermon hit me right between the eyes of where I need to be in life, about how the ultimate goal of everything is to glorify God. After church we had dinner at Don Pablo's with the entire family to say goodbye to my sister before she heads back to school next Saturday.
Tonight was fun. A friend that I had grown up with was visiting our church today and so tonight I went to get coffee with him and Becky and catch up on old times. Although it was short, it was nice. I'm a person who loves the company of others. Given a Friday night at home (although sometimes it is nice) I go nuts. I need people, I need conversation, I need fellowship. So it was nice to have that, if only for an hour or so.
Well, I'm going to stop writing for now, simply because The Simpsons is coming on and I don't want to miss it. No work tomorrow and I have more things on my mind, so I think I very well may write later!
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