Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Another rat taking a break from the race. . .

So, Tuesday, huh? Nothing much to say, really. Work was decent. I wasn't too tired, frustrated, or angry when I left. That didn't stop me from taking another nap when I got home, but I'm not going to kick myself over that anymore. If it helps relieve tension and give me a burst of energy for the evening, I'll take it.

Didn't do much tonight. Went to my parents to return some DVDs I had borrowed and ended up getting in a fight with them over money. They are 100% correct, of course, in what they say. And, of course, I countered that I am trying. But it's hard to get ahead when every pay period you start behind. They offered to help me out, but I need to come up with exactly what I would need to get slightly ahead. I need to be more accountable to my dad about my budget. Pride, of course, makes me want to avoid doing that. But pride is childish. Strangely, enough, I'm learning that asking for wisdom, help, and guidance is one of the more mature things I can do. So we'll see what happens there.

Started reading through John Elderedge's book Waking the Dead today. He's the author of The Sacred Romance, Journey of Desire, and Wild at Heart, which are all books that have really impacted me. Even from the first chapter, I feel a stirring. I forget so often that I'm in a world at war. That my simple, mundane life is being played out on a stage involving all of heaven and earth and even the most minor temptations are battles where this war is waged. It should be a good read.

Working a long shift tomorrow, from 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. A big part of me, of course, is dreading it, because I know it's long. But it's overtime. I need the money. So I'm just going to shut up and grin and bear it.

Thinking about maybe getting a second job. Maybe putting off school for a bit so I can just get ahead. Nothing tough; maybe a weekend shift at a video store or something like that. I just have to see if my schedule can allow it. Just to get me ahead and get me through the holidays. In February, of course, is my big bonu


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