Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Pasta, Seinfeld, Family Guy, and Tetris. . .
That pretty much sums up my evening here. After an uneventful day at work, it turned into. . . and uneventful night at home. It's turning into a pretty bad habit by now for me to take a long nap after work. I say bad because I'm sure it's not that healthy for my body to be sleeping that much (it's only about a 45-minute nap, but still. . . ) But part of my does it because after a stressful day at work it really feels good just to have that nap to burn off the tension.
Anyway, after my nap I made some pasta for dinner. Penne in a tomato/basil/garlic sauce I had bought at Trader Joe's. I ate too much of it and ended up spending the rest of the night in a kind of funk that usually accompanies eating too much pasta. You know what I'm talking about. . . you just feel tired and heavy and slow. So basically any motivation for a fulfilling night was thrown out the window.
I was originally scheduled to tentatively have coffee with Aaron Lawless, a friend from my old church. But he had some things to do, so we had to look at rescheduling. I called Erin, but just got her voice mail. I thought about joining Brandon, Diana, and Jason (Brandon's brother) for playing pool. But for some reason I could not get off the couch (no physical problems, just laziness.) So, here are the mundane thoughts from tonight. . .
I think I watched like four episodes of Seinfeld on TBS. I forgot how incredibly funny that show was. I don't know if I can remember all the episodes that I watched tonight, but some really stand out. George doing the opposite of all his natural instincts. The chinese guys in Kramer's bureau. The "It's Me" when Jerry's girlfriend called. I don't know if it's possible to watch an episode of that show that's not a classic. I can't wait until the First Season DVD comes out this Christmas.
Speaking of TV shows on DVD, I think I'm going to have to get The Family Guy. I remember not being to keen on it when it originally aired, but since then I have had so many people rave about it. I caught two episodes in between Seinfelds tonight on TBS and I think everyone was right on the money: that show is hilarious. Truly offensive, yes, but funny stuff. Not Simpsons quality, but very very close.
I also played too much Tetris on my cell phone today. Probably a few hours in between calls at work all in all and then a few long games at home. I'm developing an unhealthy addiction :)
Today wasn't a total loss, though. I did my laundry. Took a long walk and had my prayer time. Did my devotions. Right now I'm trying to read through all the gospels and get a harmony of how they present the life of Christ. My Bible has a guide to that, and it's really cool to see it all come together and see all the unity between the four gospels.
I also heard from my friend Andrea today. Hadn't talked to her in like over a year, so it was nice to be able to correspond with her again. Glad to hear she's doing well, has a nice boyfriend, has good things about her life. I missed talking to her and hope that I don't fall out of touch again.
I could look at today as a wasted day, I guess. Nothing really accomplished. But, it was kind of nice. Relaxing. Nice to have days like this. And it's "hump day." One day closer to the weekend.
So for now, that's all folks.


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